Search Engine Optimizaton

What is Google Panda, Penguin, Humming Bird and Pigeon Updates?

Google Algorithm Updates:

Below are the some of the most important Google Algorithm Updates or Changes, which we need to adopt for better rankings in search engine.


Google Panda Update is a penalty update and released on February 2011 and it is one of the most important Google Algorithm Updates.

Initially this update called as “Farmer ” by the community and then with the name of “Google Panda”. It was developed by an engineer by name Navneeth Panda.

Google Panda Update is an algorithm released by Google to penalize the website by lowering the rank in Google search engine result page, which uses duplicate content or thin content or particularly those sites that made up of large amount of paid advertising rather than high quality content.

Google Panda update was to reward high quality website to the top of the organic search engine result page and reduce the ranking of low quality websites trying to rank in search engines.

So just for sake of generating traffic to their site with low quality content to give impression and click to the ads is not a good idea, the main purpose of this update released is  to give unique, original, useful quality content to the users.



Google Penguin Update is also a penalty update, released on 2012 and updated on 2016.

Penguin Update is a Google Algorithm Updates, which decreases the rank in search engine result page which uses backlinks from unrelated or low quality websites and keyword stuffing for the purpose of ranking in search Engine result page.

As a result this update is to reward or increase the rank of websites in Google search engine result page which uses high quality links or natural links and to filter it out websites which uses low quality links or spammy link building techniques and use of unnatural repetition of keywords for the purpose of rankings.

So it is not good idea to buy links or building unnatural links and stuffing the unnatural keywords.



Google Humming Bird Algorithm was announced on September 2013, as this update was already in use from one month before.

Depending on query, search engine identifies and shows the result in one box answer on the Google search result page. Humming Bird is a Google Algorithm Updates, which leads user directly to the most relevant page by providing quick and accurate answers to user’s queries about places, people and things.

Some of the example which gives one word answers.

1)$1 to INR


2)Chocolate Chip Cookies

On above queries the users will get an immediate one box answer. So this is the purpose of humming bird Google algorithm updates.



Pigeon Update Algorithm released on 2014 and was a major algorithm change for local search.

Google Pigeon Update aim is to increase the ranking of local listing in a search engine result page. It is quite useful for the local business (distance and location) and users.

For Example:

Suppose if the user is in the Los Angeles area of California and searches the query as “Pizza in California”.

Users will receive a local result closest to the physical location of the searcher.

It means search engine shows the narrowed results and shows the pizza shops which is located in and around of users Los Angeles area of California.

Conclusion:These are the main Google Algorithm updates for SEO, which we need to understand for better rankings in Search Engine



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